In collaboration with CHI-VAC Research and Development we now offer a variety of UHV hardware products including custom chambers, precision XYZ stages and various motion and manipulation devices. We also supply various types of sample holders, sample heating controllers and vacuum system bake out equipment. Please review the catalog items below and contact us with your chamber or motion/manipulation requirements to receive a quote.


UHV Chambers


Sample Temperature Controller

LK offers controllers for sample heating with full PID control of sample temperature. Standard thermocouple is Type K with option for other thermocouples. Programmable Watlow control with convenient USB computer interface and software. Contact the company with required AC output current and voltage.

Bake Out Controller –Multizone

LK offers controllers for baking vacuum systems or other bake out applications. The standard controller can power heaters for 4 zones with independent thermal switches. The 4 zones can handle a total of up to 6 kW of power. Standard thermocouple is Type K for controlling system temperature. Bake out heaters, wiring and demountable frames and tents available.